June 2005
Welcome to our software development area Recent software bought out & developed and software sold through our website as resellers. There will be more programs/Programmes available shortly. Programs / Programmes currently available for download following payment are Capture Express & Winsock FTP (former LE edition) Capture Express 2004 - My-Designer.co.uk & Insight Capture Express is a screen capture utility. It brings unprecedented ease and functionality to the capturing of areas by allowing you to both stretch and move the area grabber. It also sports virtually unlimited shape captures (diamonds, stars, polygons, etc) with optional borders and shape masking. It is also one of the few capture utilities that allows you to capture and send the image via e-mail at the same time.
Ipswich Winsock FTP - Ipswich The personal way to transfer files. For web site designers, the most user-friendly file transfer protocol. Simply open website on hard drive in left window, live webspace in right window and copy files accross. Couldn't be simpler! Ipswitch WS_FTP lets you update your Web site, share pictures with friends and family, easily download large MP3 files or other files with a single click. You can affordably, easily and securely transfer files between your home computer and the Internet.
For both programs / programmes, you will be redirected to the download page following payment made. If for any reason at all and in the unlikely event a problem occurs, please contact us by clicking 'here' or cut and paste this email to your email client: info@my-designer.co.uk and we will send the program / programme to you by email within the hour. A member of My-Designer.co.uk is always online and is notified of any and all emails received 24 hours per day as we have staff both in the UK and the USA. This site is constantly monitored and updated. 3rd June 2005 |